Urban Forestry

Urban Forestry Mount Carmel

For any after hours emergencies contact the Mount Carmel Police department dispatch 618-262-4114

The City of Mount Carmel’s Department of Urban Forestry is under the Arborist which is the Public Works Department. The duties of the Department are as follows:

  • Day-to-day activities related to hazardous tree and tree limb removal.
  • The planting, maintenance, restoration and survival of desirable trees, shrubs and other plants within the city.
  • The protection of community residents from personal injury and property damage, and the protection of city from property damage, caused or threatened by the improper planting, maintenance, or removal of trees, shrubs or other plants located within the community.
  • The recycling of woody material by shredding and chipping tree limbs, branches and other woody material for composting and distribution to the general public for use as a soil conditioning material.
  • The arborist shall develop, and each subsequent year, update the urban forestry plan.
  • The arborist shall develop and periodically review and revise, as necessary, the arboricultural specifications manual.
  • The arborist shall administer the urban forestry plan, the tree ordinance and the provisions of the arboricultural specifications manual.
  • Removal of tree debris created by storms in improved streets and alleys.
  • Inventory of existing public trees.
  • Presentation of tree-related materials to public.
  • Inspection and recommendations for public tree issues.
  • Dissemination and review of public tree planting and removal permits.
  • Planning, performing, and assistance for public tree planting.
  • Coordination with other government agencies, not-for-profit groups, and the public concerning tree related activities issues.

Report Tree issues on City Property