
Welcome to the City of Mount Carmel Planning Department website.  Inside you will find information for the Code Enforcement, the Zoning Board of Appeals, building application permits and forms, and City of Mount Carmel's zoning ordinance and development regulations.  Every effort is made to keep it current, you should always refer directly to the Code Enforcement Department office if you have any questions.

Attention: In order to better serve contractors the Code Enforcement/City Inspector's office hours start at 6:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. City hall is open until 4:30 p.m. 

MAJOR ACTIVITIES of the Planning Department:
  • Assure the implementation of the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan.
  • Enforce the City's Zoning Ordinance to implement the policies of the City of Mount Carmel as expressed in Appendix A Zoning ordinance and  Comprehensive Plan and maintain the City's Official Zoning Map.
  • Analyze new subdivisions and regulate the physical pattern of land development using the Zoning Ordinance.
  • Process Applications for zoning, development review, design review, annexations, etc.
  • Administer the our local Ordinances.
  • Create reports to aid in implementing the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, to aid board and commission members in making decisions when reviewing applications, and to show progress of plans that have been implemented
  • Coordinate planning policies and case reviews with other government entities to ensure the City's planning interests are considered in community-wide planning efforts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes there are restrictions on Mobile Homes. No mobile home may be placed any were in the city except an Illinois Licensed Trailer Park  with out a special use permit.

A trailer cannot be placed on a lot without first applying for a special use permit.

  • In order to apply for the permit, the lot would have to be in an Agricultural district, R-3 district, R-4 district or a B-1 District.
  • The lot has to be at least 4,000 square feet.
  • The trailer would have to be no older than 15 years old (2005).
  • The trailer could not be used as a rental property
  • The applicant must have a vested interest in the property

If the above criteria is met then an application can be turned in applying for the special use permit.

  • First step is fill out the permit application.
  • The application fee of $100 is non-refundable
  • Each contiguous property owner will be sent notice of the zoning board of appeals meeting.
  • A public notice will be published with the zoning board information in the paper no less than 15 days prior to meeting and no more than 30 days prior to meeting.

Zoning Board of Appeals Process

  • Zoning Board meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
  • Once zoning board meeting is set the applicant will be required to attend, they will petition the zoning board to allow the special use to place a trailer on the property.
  • Anyone wishing to be heard for or against will be allowed to speak at the meeting. 
  • The Zoning board will decide to recommend, or not recommend application to the City Council.
  • The application will be forwarded to the city council at the next available meeting.

City Council Process

  • The application and recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals will be presented to the City Council for a vote.
  • The applicant must be present at the City Council meeting. 
  • If the Zoning Board of Appeals Recommends the application
    • The City Council may approve the application with a majority vote.
  • If the Zoning Board of Appeals does not recommend the application.
    • The City Council may approve the application with a 4/5 vote.

If application is approved by the City Council 

  • An ordinance will be passed allowing the special use
  • The ordinance will be recorded at the court house with the following conditions:
    • The trailer is only to be occupied by the applicant or applicants.
    • The trailer must be underpinned within 30 days of placement.
    • If the applicant were to move or no longer reside at the property the trailer would have to be moved within 90 days.


For more information Call The City Inspector at (618) 262-4822

Some limited home occupations are permitted with a Conditional Use Permit through the zoning board of appeals and then approved by the City Council. See our Zoning Page for more information

The short answer is no livestock or poultry may not be held inside the city limits of Mount Carmel.

The exception to this rule is you must have a fenced tract of land containing not less than 10 acres and having an average width of not less than 300 feet, but in no event shall such livestock or poultry be housed or confined within 200 feet of a tract of land that is  one acre or less, containing a single-family residence. Then if you meet the criteria listed you may only raise quantities reasonably sufficient for the immediate consumption by the occupants of the premises.

Yes. Signs and Billboards must be permitted within the corporate city limits.Sign/Billboard Application

An application for signs must be completed and turned into the City Inspector. The application must contain a depiction of the proposed sign, dimensions of the proposed sign, along with the completed application. 

A sign application can be approved by the City Inspector and the City Administrator without going before the full council. Billboards must be presented to the council for approval.

Billboards Ordinance:

Sec. 16-10. - Billboards.

No billboard shall be constructed in any zoning district created by the city, without first being approved by the city council of the city. The city council shall be under no obligation to grant such approval. However, when granting such approval, the city council of the city may impose such conditions and restrictions upon such approval as the city council may deem appropriate.

We have a link to a zoning map on our website. Follow this link: Zoning Map

The zoning map is also house in the office of the City Inspector located at 631 N Market Street.

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City Hall
631 North Market Street
Mount Carmel, IL 62863

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38.4131474, -87.7652624