Workforce in Mount Carmel, Illinois

The population within a 30 mile radius of Mount Carmel is approximately 43,000. According to the Illinois Department of Employment Security, and Indiana Workforce Development, 11,161 people are unemployed as of 2007. These numbers insure a deep and consistent source of capable workers to fill the needs of your growing business.

The US Census showed the average household income in Wabash County to be $31,715. The chart below shows the average wage for workers in various occupations.

Industry Sector Total Employees Average Monthly Wage Average New Hire Monthly Wage
Education 553 $1,940 N/A
Retail trade 482 $1,661 $1,023
Health Care 482 $2500 $1600
Construction 482 $3400 $3200
Mining 482 $3800 $3100
Manufacturing 482 $3200 $1600